The current president of FIGO Africa was present and very proud of his country (Ethiopia) and the whole conference.
The president of FIGO Prof Arulkumaran was heavily involved and very supportive of the conference.
The RCOG held some very well received sessions which really shows how committed they are to assisting Developing Countries to improve maternal mortality internationally.
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Prof Walker |

The RCOG had a session chaired by Alison Wright on what the RCOG can offer Healthcare Institutions and Individuals outside the UK.

Paul Fogarty (Sen Vice Pres Global Health) spoke about the Global Issues that the RCOG was involved in and the benefits of overseas members - the picture shows the number of countries the RCOG already plays a part in.

Paul Wood spoke about the importance of a robust training and education scheme and how the MRCOG exam can be a very important milestone not only in the UK trainees career but also how important it can be for non-UK graduates to gain this very well recognised and respected qualification.
There was a great representation from members of the RCOG and UK based obstetricians including Lesley Regan, Hani Fawzi, Justin Konje, Alison Fiander, Isaac Manyonda, Austin Ugwamadu, Babatunde Gbolade and this is just a list of the ones that I knew/met!
The support from Lizzie Rafii-Tabar (Overseas), Lorraine Rossati (Director of Global Health RCOG) and Ann Tate (Director of Development RCOG) was superb throughout the whole conference.
And the session ended with Dr Sophia explaining why she is flying throughout Africa!! ...to raise awareness of the massive challenges African women have with access to healthcare and how much more likely they are to die in childbirth than their European Counterparts.
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